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  • 09/13/2024 8:57 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The ASPBP 2024 Virtual Conference schedule is set! This year, our conference's innovative, three-day schedule is designed to accommodate more breaks, increase time for networking, and allow for more drop-in options that best fit into your workday! 

    Below, you can view the sessions in Programs, Highlights, and Innovations - Session 1, as well as click the links to view the speaker(s), session description, and more! To view the full schedule, including abstract presentation details, you may click here.

    The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and  Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    Programs, Highlights, and Innovations - Session 1:
    1:00 PM - 1:40 PM EDT, Tuesday, October 1, 2024

    Be on the lookout for emails in the coming days covering #ASPBP24 Programs, Highlights, and Innovations Sessions 2 and 3!

    Full ASPBP 2024 Virtual Conference Schedule

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional conference details and registration can be found at

    Register Today!
  • 09/10/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) would like to introduce you to Jasmine Brown, of the University of Pennsylvania, Plenary Speaker of the 2024 ASPBP Virtual Conference! Brown's Plenary Session is titled 'Pathways to Excellence: Past and Present.'

    Jasmine Brown

    Jasmine Brown is a UPenn medical student, Rhodes Scholar and the author of TWICE AS HARD: The Stories of Black Women Who Fought to Become Physicians from the Civil War to the 21st Century. Her book has been featured on multiple TV shows and on NPR. It’s also been highlighted in various publications including The Philadelphia Inquirer and TIME Magazine. Jasmine has spoken at universities and organizations across the country and at multiple national conferences. She is committed to using her skills and platform to help create a more diverse and inclusive medical community.

    Pathways to Excellence: Past and Present
    Tuesday, October 1, 2024
    Join us at 11:30 AM EDT for the ASPBP Virtual Conference Welcome, which will be immediately followed by our Plenary Speaker! 

    In Pathways to Excellence: Past and Present, Jasmine will discuss the journey of one of these trailblazing black women physicians and the impact that mentorship had on this doctor's success. Jasmine will also describe how she's personally benefited from mentorship and pipeline programs.

    2024 Virtual Conference Info

    The ASPBP 2024 Annual Virtual Conference will be held October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

    Register Today!
  • 09/06/2024 7:43 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The ASPBP 2024 Virtual Conference schedule is set! You can find the schedule at-a-glance below. To view the full schedule, including abstract presentation details, you may click here.

    The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and  Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    TUESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2024

    11:00 AM - 11:30 AM: Virtual Chair Help Desk

    11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: ASPBP Welcome
    12:00 PM - 12:50 PM: Plenary - Pathways to Excellence: Past and Present
    (Jasmine Brown - University of Pennsylvania)
    12:50 PM - 1:00 PM: Break
    1:00 PM - 1:40 PM: Programs, Highlights, and Innovations - Session 1
    1:40 PM - 2:00 PM: Break
    2:00 PM - 2:45 PM: Presidential Transition and Town Hall
    2:45 PM - 3:00 PM: Break
    3:00 PM - 3:40 PM: Programs, Highlights, and Innovations - Session 2
    3:40 PM - 4:00 PM: Break
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Structured Networking


    11:30 AM - 12:00 PM: Virtual Chair Help Desk
    12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: ASPBP Finance Updates
    12:30 PM - 1:20 PM: Plenary - Beyond the Bars and Breaking Chains: Redefining Pathways for Minority Students in Healthcare
    (William Mundo - Denver Health Medical Center)
    1:20 PM - 1:30 PM: Break
    1:30 PM - 2:30 PM: Research Poster Presentations
    2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Research Poster Open Session
    3:00 PM - 3:50 PM: Roundtables and Panels - Session 1
    3:50 PM - 4:00 PM: Break
    4:00 PM - 5:00 PM: Structured Networking


    10:30 AM - 11:00 AM: Virtual Chair Help Desk
    11:00 AM - 11:50 AM: Roundtables and Panels - Session 2
    11:50 AM - 12:00 PM: Break
    12:00 PM - 12:45 PM: Regional Committee Meetings
    12:45 PM - 1:00 PM: Break
    1:00 PM - 1:50 PM: Programs, Highlights, and Innovations - Session 3
    1:50 PM - 2:00 PM: Break
    2:00 PM - 2:30 PM: Sponsorship Address
    2:30 PM - 3:15 PM: Election Results and Bylaw Updates
    3:15 PM - 3:30 PM: Closing Remarks

    Full ASPBP 2024 Virtual Conference Schedule

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional conference details and registration can be found at

    Register Today!
  • 08/22/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) would like to introduce you to Dr. William Mundo of Denver Health Medical Center, Plenary Speaker of the 2024 ASPBP Virtual Conference! Dr. Mundo's Plenary Session is titled 'Beyond the Bars and Breaking Chains: Redefining Pathways for Minority Students in Healthcare.'

    Dr. William Mundo

    Dr. William Mundo is an emergency medicine resident physician at Denver Health Medical Center and earned his medical degree from the University of Colorado School of Medicine. He received an MPH from the Colorado School of Public Health in Global Health Systems Management and has undergraduate degrees in Public Health and Ethnic Studies with an emphasis on Indigenous rights and health equity. As a physician scientist, his research focuses on developing strategies to mitigate and reduce health inequities at the individual and system level. William is also author of “From Margins to Medicine: A First Generation Student’s Equity Guide in Overcoming Adversity with Diversity,” which chronicles his path to medicine as a son of undocumented immigrants from Mexico who faced many systemic challenges. William is also a husband and father of two beautiful girls.

    Beyond the Bars and Breaking Chains: Redefining Pathways for Minority Students in Healthcare

    Dr. Mundo will explore the critical intersection of education, equity, and healthcare careers - focusing on the systemic issues that contribute to the school-to-prison pipeline. He will dissect the factors that perpetuate this pipeline through highlighting his own personal story overcoming the school-to-prison pipeline. He will highlight the importance of pathway programs designed to support and inspire minority students to pursue careers in healthcare as a way to dismantle this pipeline and empower students to envision a future in the healthcare sector.

    2024 Virtual Conference Info

    The ASPBP 2024 Annual Virtual Conference will be held October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

    Register Today!
  • 07/17/2024 12:00 PM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) would like to invite you to register for the ASPBP 2024 Annual Virtual Conference, to be held October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and  Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    2024 Virtual Conference Info

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

  • 07/17/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    The ASPBP July 2024 Webinar, CORE (Community Outreach, Research & Engagement): Developing a community of practice for individuals invested in outreach and service-learning programs, will take place at 2 PM EDT on Wednesday, July 24, 2024. The Webinar will be led by Peter Vollbrecht, of Western Michigan University, and Natascha Heise, of Old Dominion University.

    Peter J. Vollbrecht, PhD

    Peter Vollbrecht, PhD, is originally from Ann Arbor, Michigan. After completing his PhD in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience at Vanderbilt University and a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Michigan he joined Hope College as a faculty member in the Biology Department. He currently serves as an Associate Professor at Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed) in the Department of Biomedical Sciences. He currently serves as co-Director of the Master of Biomedical Sciences Degree Program and the Founder and co-Director of the Brain Explorers and Beyond outreach program at WMed. Dr. Vollbrecht's research interests center around innovative teaching methods, communication skills, outreach and service-learning, and diversifying the STEMM workforce, with a particular interest in improving diversity within the healthcare professions.

    Natashca Heise, PhD

    Natascha Heise, PhD, is originally from Germany and joined Old Dominion University in 2021 after receiving her PhD in Biomedical Sciences with a focus in Anatomy Education. She currently serves as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Translational Sciences and teaches various courses within the School of Medicine and School of Health Professions. Dr. Heise's research has centered around the evaluation of various pedagogical approaches in the human anatomy and neuroanatomy classroom, DEI outreach efforts, and the role of Virtual Reality in medical education.
    2 PM EDT, Wednesday, July 24, 2024 - "CORE (Community Outreach, Research & Engagement): Developing a community of practice for individuals invested in outreach and service-learning programs"

    To register for the CORE (Community Outreach, Research & Engagement) Webinar, click here.

  • 07/17/2024 9:00 AM | Rachel Hewett (Administrator)

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) would like to invite you to register for the ASPBP 2024 Annual Virtual Conference, to be held October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new approaches, ideas and resources across the pathway programs ecosystem, from K-12 programs to post-bacc and Master's degree programs. Our theme is "NET: Network, Engage, Transform"

    2024 Virtual Conference Info

    By registering for the virtual conference you will gain access to your choice of breakout sessions, virtual poster sessions, short communication sessions, panels, plenary and more! Please note that you will need to register and be signed in to view any conference events or materials.

    Additional meeting details and registration can be found at

  • 06/12/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    New Deadline: June 21, 2024

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) is pleased to announce the call for presentation abstracts for the ASPBP Conference to be held virtually from October 1-3, 2024. The abstract deadline has been extended one week, and abstracts now need to be submitted by June 21, 2024. 

    As a reminder, This year abstract proposals should fit into one of four formats: We will also be offering panel discussions in both traditional and non-traditional formats. If you have interest in participating in a panel discussion but do not have a panel in which to participate, please click HERE to learn more and apply as an individual panelist!

    Due to the virtual format, we encourage you to research innovative ways to virtually engage participants. Collaborative submissions are encouraged!

    All abstract submissions will undergo peer review using the following criteria: clarity of the proposal, the quality of content in the proposal, and interest to the ASPBP community. Potential presenters are encouraged to illustrate the innovative nature and/or timeliness of the content to be presented.

    Abstract submission deadline: June 21, 2024 (11:59pm Eastern)
    Author notifications will be sent in early August

    Please click here to submit your abstract.

    Submit Your Abstract Here

  • 06/04/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    Deadline: June 14, 2024

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) is pleased to announce the call for presentation abstracts for the ASPBP Conference to be held virtually from October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP Conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new teaching techniques, ideas and resources.

    As a reminder, This year abstract proposals should fit into one of four formats:
    We will also be offering panel discussions in both traditional and non-traditional formats. If you have interest in participating in a panel discussion but do not have a panel in which to participate, please click HERE to learn more and apply as an individual panelist!

    Due to the virtual format, we encourage you to research innovative ways to virtually engage participants. Collaborative submissions are encouraged!

    All abstract submissions will undergo peer review using the following criteria: clarity of the proposal, the quality of content in the proposal, and interest to the ASPBP community. Potential presenters are encouraged to illustrate the innovative nature and/or timeliness of the content to be presented.

    Abstract submission deadline: June 14, 2024 (11:59pm Eastern)
    Author notifications will be sent in early August

    Please click here to submit your abstract.

  • 05/21/2024 9:00 AM | Dustin Melchior (Administrator)

    Deadline: June 14, 2024

    The Association of STEMM Pathway and Bridge Programs (ASPBP) is pleased to announce the call for presentation abstracts for the ASPBP Conference to be held virtually from October 1-3, 2024. The ASPBP Conference provides opportunities to connect with and learn from others who share the same passion for justice, equity, diversity and inclusion essential for STEMM disciplines. The annual ASPBP conference will provide you with new teaching techniques, ideas and resources.

    This year abstract proposals should fit into one of four formats: We will also be offering panel discussions in both traditional and non-traditional formats. If you have interest in participating in a panel discussion but do not have a panel in which to participate, please click HERE to learn more and apply as an individual panelist!

    Due to the virtual format, we encourage you to research innovative ways to virtually engage participants. Collaborative submissions are encouraged!

    All abstract submissions will undergo peer review using the following criteria: clarity of the proposal, the quality of content in the proposal, and interest to the ASPBP community. Potential presenters are encouraged to illustrate the innovative nature and/or timeliness of the content to be presented.

    Abstract submission deadline: June 14, 2024 (11:59pm Eastern)
    Author notifications will be sent in early August

    Please click here to submit your abstract.

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